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Healing & Spiritual Development Program

6 Week Program - 6 one-on-one 60 minute video/skype sessions

You may choose to work on a challenge that you are facing now to heal and shift or maybe you choose one of the four core wounds that is the cause of most of your triggers that continue to come up (shame, guilt, abandonment, rejection).

The framework of my 6 week program is based on 12 Life Principles:

Week 1 - Honesty & Open-mindedness

Week 2 - Willingness & Forgiveness

Week 3 - Unity & Discipline

Week 4 - Faith & Responsibility

Week 5 - Love & Wholeness

Week 6 - Joy & Peace

By the end of this program, after having delved into the 12 Life Principles, you will have a deeper connection to yourself and beautiful awareness about what is important to you, that which you can let go of that is no longer serving you and what it is you want and desire for your life. It is a beautiful way to develop a deeper understanding of your truth and that is the most empowering part. Knowing the truth of who you really are. When you have this sense of clarity, the doors that open up in your life is priceless. I have been watching it happen for myself, my loved ones and my clients. I couldn't be more grateful. 

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